Weeding Finger

$ 79.00

Article #: 9723

Width of head: .78″

Length of head: 3.12″

Total length: 64.74″

Weight: 1.87 lb

Type of tool: Weeder

Function of tool: Furrowing, Weeding

Only 2 left in stock

Every now and then, you discover a wonderful tool that makes you wonder how you coped beforehand – and here’s another, the Weeding/Sowing Finger.  The deep blade, or ‘finger’, is equally adept at spot weeding in a well-tended bed or border, or drawing out a drill in a seed bed.
Weight 35 lbs
Dimensions 65 × 3.12 × 1 in
SKU: 9723-328030 Category: Tag: Sneeboer
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